Horatio Nelson

Scipheretoga Horatio Nelson

Scipheretoga Hlāford Horatio Nelson, oþþe Undereorl Nelson, (29 Hāligmōnaþ 1758 – 21 Ƿinterfylleþ 1805) ƿæs Bryttisc scipheretoga, Bretþēodes fōremǣre scipmann, mǣre for his þegnunge on þǣm sǣ in þǣre Napoleaniscan Gūþe.

In Burnham on Norþfolce ƿæs Nelson geboren, in rīce cynne þæs scīre. Hē ƿæs geoguð ðær cƿōm hē in þone Sciphere and eftsōn geƿunnede hē lofe for his elne and ecgþræce.

Nelson þegnede mid þǣm Cynelican Sciphere fram tƿelf ƿintra and oð his dēaðe. He hadde sige in manigum sǣfeohtum, to bysene æt þǣm Nīl Sǣfeoht (1798), æt Cēapmannhæfen (1801) and æt Trafalgar Sǣfeoht (1805), hƿǣrin forferde he.

Æt Trafalgar forgrunde Nelson þā Frensciscan and Spēoniscan līþas and næfre þǣræfter hund gearum andlang anƿigede mann þone Cynelica Sciphere on brime. Æfter þǣm fēohte ƿæs his lic in fæte gesetted in his scipe Victory and gebrōht to Calpis, and þider to Temesmuþan. He līþ in Sanctes Paules Hēafodcirice in Lundenceastre.

Nelsones titule ƿæron:

Se Æþelosta Hlāford Horatio Nelson, Undereorl and Þegn Nelson, of þǣm Nīle and of Burnham Þorpe in Norþfolc-scīr, Nelson Þegn of þæm Nīle and of Hyllbyrige in þǣre ilcan Scīre, Cniht þæs Arlicstan Baþ Hādes, Underscipheretoga þǣre Hƿītan Firdunge þæs Liþ, Hēafod Bebeōdend ofer His Þrymmes Scipum and Bātum on Ƿendelsǣ, Heretoga of Bronte in Tƿa Sicilia Rīce, Cniht Grēat Rōd þǣm Siciliscan Sct Ferdinand and Earnung Hād, Hādesmann þæs Ottoman Ƿeaxung Mōn Hād, Cniht Grēat Bebeōdend þæs Sct Ioachim Hād[1].

  1. The Naval Chronicle. 

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